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Introduction to the R statistical computing environment – Part 1

A 6-hour workshop taught by Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D. Register Overview This is the first of two 6-hour workshops on the R statistical programming language.  Sign up for Part 2 here. The R statistical programming language and computing environment is a free, open-source package for statistical analysis. R has become the de-facto standard in statistics (see Muenchen,


Introduction to the R statistical computing environment – Part 2

A 6-hour workshop taught by Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D. Register Overview This is the first of two 6-hour workshops on the R statistical programming language.  Sign up for Part 1 here. The R statistical programming language and computing environment is a free, open-source package for statistical analysis. R has become the de-facto standard in statistics (see Muenchen,


Introduction to matching and propensity score analysis

A 6-hour workshop taught by Steve Porter, Ph.D. Causal inference workshop series discount!  Register for this along with our workshop on Regression discontinuity designs for evaluating programs and policies for only $350 (would normally cost $450 for both). If you are interested in the workshop series, email us at for discount codes. You may also be interested


Introduction to the SAS statistical computing environment

A 5-hour workshop taught by Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D. Register Overview The SAS Institute is the world’s largest privately held software company software and is widely used in business, but also in the social, health, physical, and computational sciences. People use SAS because it is powerful, flexible, and makes routine data analysis easy. SAS software has proved


Refresher on multiple regression for the applied researcher

A 6-hour workshop taught by Steve Porter, Ph.D. Register Overview Many researchers have taken a course that covers multiple regression, the statistical workhorse of the social sciences, but have forgotten much of what they learned. The goal of this workshop is to review many of the main concepts of regression, from the perspective of the applied


Usage of RStudio for regression techniques and hierarchical linear modeling

A 4-hour workshop taught by Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D. Register Overview This is the second of four 4-hour workshops on the R statistical programming language.  Sign up for the other workshops in the series using the links below: Usage of RStudio for basic and intermediate inferential statistical analysis techniques Usage of RStudio for intermediate statistical analysis techniques:


Usage of RStudio for intermediate statistical analysis techniques: structural equation modeling and regression discontinuity

A 4-hour workshop taught by Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D. Register Overview This is the fourth of four 4-hour workshops on the R statistical programming language.  Sign up for the other workshops in the series using the links below: Usage of RStudio for basic and intermediate inferential statistical analysis techniques Usage of RStudio for regression techniques and hierarchical


Data visualization using R

A 4-hour workshop taught by Mariola Moeyaert, Ph.D. Register Overview Data visualization is the quickest and most powerful technique to understand new and existing information. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) through visualizations marks the starting point of each data science project. The graphs produced during the EDA can inform which data analytic technique is best suitable. The data visualization


Handling missing data: Multiple imputation for the applied researcher

A 4-hour workshop taught by Ryan S. Wells, Ph.D. You may also be interested in our increasing web survey response rates workshop. Register Overview Item-missing data is a serious concern for any quantitative researcher. Survey participants regularly skip questions, and administrative data is often incomplete. But what do to about this issue is not always straightforward. Researchers often analyze only


Exploring the power of predictive analytics: A step-by-step introduction to building a student-at-risk prediction model

A 5-hour workshop taught by Serge Herzog, Ph.D. Predictive analytics workshop series discount!  Register for this along with Student success prediction at your fingertips: Developing online dashboards with Microsoft Power BI© for only $350 (would normally cost $450 for both). If you are interested in the workshop series, email us at for discount codes. Register Overview The


Student success prediction at your fingertips: Developing online dashboards with Microsoft Power BI©

A 5-hour workshop taught by Serge Herzog, Ph.D. Participants of this workshop will benefit from also taking our Predictive Analytics workshop. Predictive analytics workshop series discount!  Register for this along with Exploring the power of predictive analytics: A step-by-step introduction to building a student-at-risk prediction model for only $350 (would normally cost $450 for both). If you are


Introduction to matching and propensity score analysis

A 6-hour workshop taught by Steve Porter, Ph.D. Causal inference workshop series discount!  Register for this along with our workshop on Regression discontinuity designs for evaluating programs and policies for only $350 (would normally cost $450 for both). If you are interested in the workshop series, email us at for discount codes. You may also be interested


Logistic regression: Analyzing binary outcomes

A 4-hour workshop taught by Steve Porter, Ph.D. Regression workshop series discount!  Register for this along with our workshops on Refresher on multiple regression for the applied researcher and Basics of multilevel modeling: Handling grouped data in research and evaluation for only $550 (would normally cost $700 for all three). If you are interested in the


Basics of multilevel modeling: Handling grouped data in research and evaluation

A 6-hour workshop taught by Paul D. Umbach, Ph.D. Regression workshop series discount!  Register for this along with our workshops on Refresher on multiple regression for the applied researcher and Logistic Regression: Analyzing binary outcomes for only $550 (would normally cost $700 for all three). If you are interested in the workshop series, email us at


Introduction to matching and propensity score analysis

A 6-hour workshop taught by Steve Porter, Ph.D. Causal inference workshop series discount!  Register for this along with our workshop on Regression discontinuity designs for evaluating programs and policies for only $350 (would normally cost $450 for both). If you are interested in the workshop series, email us at for discount codes. You may also be interested
